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Liverpool Celebrant: An Artistic Unity Ceremony idea...

There are many ways of celebrating your unity within your wedding celebration ceremony. Enhancements, such as candle lighting and the sand ceremony, rejoice both your union and your individuality.

If you would like to include an element, symbolising your uniqueness, within your ceremony and create a work of art, how about a Unity Canvas Ceremony?

You might choose to pour (or squirt!) paint or use a brush to paint half a heart each. Choose a colour that each of you like, or identify with, and just do it!

There are kits available online, or you could assemble it yourself. It is relatively inexpensive, a great way of visually expressing your unity and it is a lasting reminder that you can hang on your wall.

Of course, if you go for the pouring (or squirting) method, you will need to be extra careful not to get paint on your clothes (or maybe that would just be if it was me?)

Here is an example of words that could be used for a Unity Canvas Ceremony:

"Every marriage starts out as a blank canvas and every day is a splash of colour.

This blank canvas represents the day of the wedding, and a new beginning.

The paint colours represent milestones, their celebrations, tribulations, passions and dreams.

They are the moments that become the days that make up the years.

There will be places on the canvas where the colours blend and mix, flowing together, creating a new colour of experiences shared.

There will be places where the colours stay separate and stand out alone and independent… yet, still a complement to the contrasting colour by its side.

Parts of the canvas, that look dark or messy, may not be to your liking.

And another spot remains blank and bare and you may wonder why?

But… when you step back and look at the canvas in its entirety, you will see that it clearly is ‘An Original Masterpiece’ unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

Each colour, contrast, shadow and blend as unique and beautiful as you are.

Every time that you look at this masterpiece, may you always remember the commitment of love that lies at the heart of your new life together"

If you would like to include this element, or anything else within your ceremony, speak to your Celebrant who will work with you to create the perfect personalisation just for you.

And to finish, a wedding reading, written by David Foster and Arthur Janov, incorporating the painting theme:

The Colour of My Love

I'll paint a sun to warm your heart Knowing that we'll never part. I'll draw the years all passing by So much to learn, so much to try.

I'll paint my mood in a shadow blue, Paint my soul to be with you. I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones, Draw your mouth to my own.

I'll trace a hand to wipe your tears And trace a look to calm your fears. A silhouette of dark and light To hold each other oh so tight.

I'll paint the stars in the evening sky, Draw the light into your eyes, A touch of love, a touch of grace, To softly fall on your moonlit face.

And with this ring our lives will start, Let nothing keep our love apart. I'll take your hand to hold in mine, And be together through all time.


Lorraine Hull: Celebrant, dog lover and Evertonian!

Hi, I am Lorraine Hull, an award-winning Celebrant, based in Liverpool.

I am most usually asked to conduct ceremonies in North-West England and North Wales but I am happy to travel anywhere within the U.K. or abroad.

At the risk of shouting (and sounding extremely cheesy) "I LOVE MY JOB!".

I really love getting to know the couples and families that ask me to be part of their special celebration, whether that is for a Wedding/Civil Partnership, Renewal/Reaffirmation of VowsNaming/Welcoming, or Celebration of Life/Funeral

I love hearing, writing and telling love and life stories (and also finding out about hopes and dreams - which are the stories of the future!)

I love to create and conduct unique, meaningful ceremonies that are perfect for each couple, individual, and/or family.

I love helping to create and celebrate happy and poignant moments, which form memories that will last a lifetime (that also includes the memories that I get to keep too - what's not to love?)

I believe that ALL people (and animals) should all be treated kindly, fairly and with respect.

I think for myself and act for others. I advocate anti-racism, the appreciation and celebration of diversity, dignity, justice, equity and equality for ALL through everything that I say and do: Love is Love, Family is Family, Life is Life.

You may like to know that I was trained to the highest level as a Celebrant and have continued my professional development. I hold Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance. I adhere to a strict code of conduct and I am committed to identifying, developing and sharing best practice with my Celebrant colleagues, so that we can all be the best Celebrants that we can possibly be.

To contact me please email: or call: 0744 932 3988

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Lorraine Hull Member of the Association of Independent Celebrants
Lorraine Hull is a Gift of a Wedding celebrant


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Lorraine Hull is a supporter of the Natural Death Centre

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